apollo spectra

Can spider veins be treated naturally?

April 18, 2024

Can spider veins be treated naturally?

The nourishment of all kinds of cells in the human body is done by special connective tissues called blood. Blood, being a carrier of nutrition and medium of gaseous exchange to and from tissues, is transported across the body through blood vessels. While the arterial system carries blood towards the tissues, the venous system carries blood away from the tissue. In comparison, veins are more superficially located than arteries.

At times, veins can form red, bluish, or purplish web-like networks on the surface of the skin. It can also be seen sometimes as a thin red network of lines on the skin surface of mainly the face, legs, and thighs. This is a condition called spider veins. It is often called telangiectasias also. Spider veins are harmless. They don't produce any noticeable symptoms in most people. Some people notice its presence only due to cosmetic concerns.

Understanding Spider Veins

A spider vein is usually very thin and lies extremely close to the skin's surface. It appears due to dilation and elongation of blood vessels in the skin. People often tend to confuse it with another very common condition called varicose veins.

The difference between varicose and spider veins is that in varicose veins, the blood vessels appear to be dilated. However, the blood vessels that are dilated in varicose veins lie beneath the layers of skin. The name spider vein comes from its similar appearance to a spider web.

If you are wondering how to differentiate a spider vein from a varicose vein, then the latter appears to be protruding and bulging out from the skin and gives a rope-like appearance. Meanwhile, the spider vein appears to be very thin and usually forms a weblike network or pattern. On comparing the color of the two, spider veins have more of a red, purple to bluish tint, while varicose veins are bluish-green in appearance.

Spider veins are very harmless as compared to varicose veins. Varicose veins pose high chances of breakage and spillage of blood when dilated and protruded beyond a certain extent. In severe cases, it can also cause ulceration to occur, mainly in the foot areas.

Spider veins, on the other hand, do not break like varicose veins. When a spider vein breaks, it causes a minor bruise-like appearance for a few days. And most certainly, varicose veins can cause pain, cramps, burning sensation, and even itching occasionally. None of these are seen in patients with spider veins. Spider vein rarely causes any discomfort, but it never causes any pain.

Reason Behind Spider Veins and Risk Factors

Spider veins appear in the skin mainly when the valves inside the superficial veins fail to work properly. As a result, blood flows in the opposite direction or backward direction in these veins. This can also cause blood to collect in that vein.

When more quantity of blood begins to collect, this can cause leakage of blood from the vessel. Eventually, the skin may develop a small bruised appearance. It can progress from red or purple to blue, then to green. Eventually, it turns yellow as the body absorbs the blood.

As soon as the bruise heals, the discoloration disappears. At times, the chances of breakage of these vessels are increased by accidental trauma, injury, increased pressure caused by obesity, prolonged standing, and even skin fragility.

Now, talking regarding the major risk factors affecting the appearance of spider veins. The risk factors for spider veins usually include:

  • Genetics and heredity: There is an increased chance of occurrence of spider veins in individuals who have a family history of the same.
  • Age: Vein walls become weaker with age. As a result, there are higher chances of blood accumulation and breakage.
  • Pregnancy: During pregnancy, hormone changes tend to cause dilation and weakening of blood vessels, thus altering the blood flow.
  • Prolonged sitting and standing: It can also cause additional pressure on the veins, thus causing venous hypertension in the superficial veins. These can eventually cause spider veins.
  • Obesity and being overweight: It can also increase additional pressure on the superficial veins. Besides, it can lead to the expansion of these vessels, thus creating a tendency to break.

Five Natural Remedies to Treat Spider Veins

Most spider veins can heal on their own. However, it can take time and can also have a chance of recurrence. Here are a few natural remedies to treat spider veins:

  • Compression Stockings: Compression stockings gently squeeze your legs to move blood up your legs. This helps prevent leg swelling and, to a lesser extent, blood clots.
  • Vitamin C: Increasing the intake of fruits like orange and tangerine can help. The vitamin C and antioxidant properties can effectively improve blood circulation and reinforce healthy blood vessels. Other fruits that can help fight spider veins naturally include guava, which is a great abode of Vitamin C and Vitamin K.
  • Massage: Massaging with natural oils like castor oil or mustard oils is great in providing relief from spider veins. Castor oil is well known for its anti-inflammatory properties. Additionally, it helps to prevent the formation of blood clots inside the blood vessels. Mustard oil massage can also help reinforce the flow of blood and circulation. A tip that can help with spider vein treatment is to massage with your legs elevated.
  • Apple cider vinegar: Soaking apple cider vinegar and using it as a compress over the area of spider veins multiple times a day can be an effective home remedy for spider vein treatment.
  • Aloe vera gel: Using aloe vera gel can help to provide some relief from spider veins. Applying the gel in the area of the spider vein helps to rescue inflammation and soothe it easily.
  • Garlic with rubbing alcohol: Mince garlic into a fine paste and mix it with rubbing alcohol if it is available. Apply this over the affected area for fast healing and enhanced circulation.

Additional body movement and wearing compression socks are also great remedies to provide stress relief, as both of the methods increase blood circulation in the body.

Treatment Options When Natural Treatments Don't Work

Now, in some cases, home remedies might not be an appropriate treatment for spider veins. Nonetheless, there are medical treatments available that can help to get rid of spider veins:

  • Injection sclerotherapy: This is a very minimally invasive procedure, where certain chemical solutions are injected into the affected vessels to seal off the blood vessel, thus avoiding further blood flow into it. This helps to shrink the vessel as well. Most commonly, by this therapy, patients get relief between 3-6 weeks.
  • Laser therapy: Done under multiple sessions, this is a completely non-invasive technique. Here, the heat of lasers is used to destroy the spider vein.

Wrapping up,

Spider veins are a very harmless condition that can be seen mainly in the face and legs. Although they could heal openly, their healing can be supported by natural remedies. However, some people tend to have cosmetological concerns. In such cases, opting for medical treatment under a doctor's recommendation can be beneficial.

Also, if you have an increased recurrence of spider veins or if your spider veins do not heal at all, even over a large period, it is high time to seek medical advice. It could be indicative of some other underlying venous insufficiency.

At Apollo Spectra, we aim to provide multidisciplinary, advanced healthcare backed by diagnostic infrastructure and technology and services delivered with compassion. Along with state-of-the-art technology and the latest in-field equipment, our expert panel provides accurate diagnosis and develops comprehensive treatment plans tailored to your conditions. Consult our experienced vascular doctors today to live a healthier life.

Are spider veins dangerous?

Spider veins are a very harmless condition. The color of the spider veins, as seen on the skin, is due to the small, damaged blood vessels. It is usually noticed due to cosmetic concerns. Rarely in some individuals, it can be indicative of chronic venous insufficiency.

Does spider veins cause bleeding?

Spider veins burst under high-pressure situations, trauma, injury to the area, or even due to fragility of the skin. Sometimes, it can burst idiopathically. However, it never bleeds outside. Spider veins form minute bruises, like appearance only, and that too within the skin layer. It does not usually bleed outside unless any other vascular pathology is involved.

Is spider veins completely curable?

By using a sclerotherapy procedure, dilated blood vessels can be shrunk, and their reappearance in dilated form can be avoided. You should know that spider veins can be managed with sclerotherapy, laser therapy, and the usage of compression socks, but they cannot be treated completely and might reoccur.

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