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Piles Treatment & Surgery

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Piles Treatment & Surgery in C Scheme, Jaipur

Piles surgery is a procedure to remove blood vessels that are swollen inside or surrounding the anal or rectal region. Different types of surgeries are performed for the treatment of piles.

What Is Piles Surgery?

Piles surgery is done to stop the blood supply to the inflamed and swollen veins surrounding the anal or rectal area. It is needed when other treatments for piles fail to give relief and piles cause discomfort to the person.

Who Is The Right Candidate For Piles Surgery?

Piles surgery is needed in chronic cases and has the following indications:

  • If there is no relief from the pain and other symptoms of piles by taking other treatments
  • If piles are causing a lot of discomforts and affecting the quality of life

Request an appointment at Apollo Spectra Hospitals, Jaipur

Call 1860 500 2244 to book an appointment.

What Is The Procedure Of Piles Surgery?

Piles surgery may be done in different ways. Common methods used for piles surgery are:

Rubber band ligation

This method is used when there is bleeding from the rectum while passing stool. The physician at Apollo Spectra, Hospital will start by stopping the supply of blood to the infected vein by placing a rubber band. It will get separated in a few days.


This method is used when swollen veins are not visible outside but a person experiences bleeding while passing stool. In this method, the blood supply to the affected veins is cut off by making a scar through an electric current. A doctor can also use infrared light to make hemorrhoids fall off.


This method is used for removing swollen veins present inside the rectum or anus. A solution is injected inside the swollen veins to damage the nerves and cause numbness. It will make the veins numb and fall off.

Removal of swollen veins through surgery

Also called hemorrhoidectomy, it is done in the outpatient unit by giving local anaesthesia. The surgeon will remove the swollen veins by using small tools or using laser light. The surgeon can either keep the wound open or close it.


This method helps to treat the swollen veins inside the rectum. It is done by giving local anaesthesia. The procedure is done by using a special instrument. The surgeon will place the swollen veins in place and stop the supply of blood to the swollen veins. This helps in reducing the size of swollen veins.

What Are The Benefits Of Piles Surgery?

The benefits of piles surgery are:

  • It gives relief from unbearable pain and discomfort
  • It gives relief from itching around the anus
  • It gives relief from bleeding and discharge from the anus

What Are The Risks Of Piles Surgery?

The risks of piles surgery include the following:

  • You may continue to experience pain for about two weeks or more after the piles surgery
  • In some cases, a tear may form between the anus and rectum that may cause severe pain
  • Narrowing of the anal passage may occur due to the formation of excessive scar tissue around the anal region
  • Bleeding may continue to occur and if it happens, you should consult with your physician
  • Internal muscles around the anus and rectum may get damaged during piles surgery that may produce other problems


Piles cause discomfort and pain and can be treated using different methods. But, if conventional methods fail to give relief from piles, your doctor will advise piles surgery. Different methods are used for piles surgery and the doctor will choose the best method depending on your condition and symptoms.

How long will it take to recover after piles surgery?

Generally, it takes two weeks to recover after piles surgery but for complete recovery, it may take 4-6 weeks.

Are piles a serious condition?

Piles are not serious until there is excessive blood loss. If piles are not treated on time, they can lead to serious complications. Excessive blood loss can cause anaemia.

Do I have a risk of developing piles if my father suffers from piles?

Yes, there is a risk of developing piles in people of the same family. In most cases, piles occur due to lifestyle. Long sitting jobs, eating less fibre, lack of exercise, prolonged constipation are some of the factors that increase the risk of developing piles. 


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