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Hernia Treatment & Surgery

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Hernia Surgery in C-scheme, Jaipur

A hernia occurs when an internal organ or other body part bulges through the wall of muscle. It involves having an internal organ or fatty tissue squeezes through a weak spot in a surrounding muscle or connective tissue called fascia. Most hernias occur within the abdominal cavity.

What are the types of Hernia?

Umbilical hernia

It occurs when part of the small intestine passes through the abdominal wall near the navel. It’s common in newborns. Femoral hernia

It occurs when the intestine enters the upper thigh. Femoral hernias are very common in older women. Ventral hernia

It happens when tissue bulges through an opening in the muscles of your abdomen. You may notice that the size of the hernia reduces when you’re lying down.

Inguinal hernia

It occurs when the intestine or the bladder pushes through the abdominal wall. About 96% of groin hernias are inguinal. It mostly occurs in men because of a weakness in this area.

What are the Symptoms of Hernia?

A hernia may cause discomfort and pain. The most common symptom of a hernia is a bulge or lump in the affected area. You may find that the lump vanishes when you’re lying down. Immediate medical attention is required if an inguinal hernia produces severe abdominal complaints such as:

  • pain
  • nausea
  • vomiting
  • the bulge cannot be pressed back into the abdomen

What are the Causes of Hernia?

A hernia occurs when there is pressure in the abdomen, such as:

  • Damage from an injury or surgery
  • Persistent coughing or sneezing
  • Diarrhoea or constipation
  • Lifting heavy objects

In addition, obesity, pregnancy, poor nutrition, and smoking, can all make hernias more probable.

When to see a doctor at Apollo Spectra, Jaipur?

If you think you have a hernia, seek help from the best specialists in Jaipur. An ignored hernia can grow bigger and more painful. This can lead to severe complications. If you see any of the symptoms mentioned above, contact a doctor immediately.

Request an appointment at Apollo Spectra Hospitals, Jaipur

Call 1860 500 2244 to book an appointment.

What are the Complications of Hernia?

Sometimes an untreated hernia can lead to possibly serious complications. Your hernia might grow and cause more symptoms. It may put too much pressure on adjacent tissues, which can cause inflammation and discomfort.

How can we prevent Hernia?

You can make simple lifestyle changes to avoid getting a hernia. Here are a few hernia prevention tips:

  • Stop smoking.
  • Maintain healthy body weight.
  • Try not to strain while having a bowel movement
  • Eat high-fibre foods to prevent constipation.
  • Do exercises to strengthen your abdomen muscles
  • Avoid lifting heavyweights

How Is Hernia Diagnosed?

To diagnose your condition, first, your doctor will do a physical examination. During this examination, your doctor may feel for a bulge in your abdominal area.

Your doctor is also likely to use imaging tests to help in their diagnosis. These can include:

  • Abdominal ultrasound
  • CT scan
  • MRI scan

How can we treat Hernia?


If your hernia is growing larger or causing pain, your surgeon may decide it’s best to do surgery.

  1. Laparoscopic surgery

    It uses a tiny camera and miniature surgical equipment to repair the hernia using only a few small incisions. It’s also less complicated.

  2. Open surgery

    The surgeon makes a cut close to the site of the hernia and then pushes the bulging back into the abdomen. They then sew the area shut.

After your surgery, you may experience pain around the site. Your surgeon will prescribe medication to help with the uneasiness while you recover.

Mesh repair

This procedure is normally done under anaesthetic. A cut is made over the site and the bulge is pushed back into place. The repair is done by placing a piece of sterile mesh at the weak point of the abdominal wall. This is held firmly in place. The outer cut on the skin surface is closed.


Hernia is a common problem. It can often be harmless and pain-free, but at times it can bring distress and pain.

Is a hernia dangerous?

Typically, the hernia is not dangerous. Most hernias cause mild discomfort. But emergency situations, which occur infrequently, can be life-threatening.

Is surgery required if I have a hernia?

Whether you need surgery or not depends on your symptoms. It’s best to see a hernia surgeon or specialist to discuss the treatment.

How Long Does It Take to Recover?

Since muscles are not cut, pain is minimal. There are few restrictions but the recovery period is rapid.


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