apollo spectra

Bariatric Surgery for Weight Loss

May 20, 2022

Bariatric Surgery for Weight Loss

What are the Different Types of Bariatric Surgery for Weight Loss?

Bariatric Surgery is a surgery performed to help in weight loss. Along with weight loss, this also helps obese individuals to prolong their life span and lower complications associated with obesity.

This surgical procedure involves changes in the digestive system to limit food intake. Hence, it is also known as gastric bypass surgery.

Bariatric surgery includes reducing the intake of food or limiting the absorption of food by interrupting the digestive process.

Bariatric surgery is performed in cases of extreme obesity, where the body mass index is more than 40.

It can also be performed in cases of morbid obesity, where BMI is in the range of 35-39.9, and there is an underlying health issue. These include type-2 diabetes, sleep apnea, and high blood pressure.

Types of bariatric surgery

1) Biliopancreatic diversion with duodenal switch

It is a mixed surgery involving two steps. During the first step, a part of the stomach is removed. During the second step, the small intestine is divided into two sections. Food from the stomach bypasses the small intestine, reducing the number of calories absorbed by the body. It helps in weight reduction at a faster pace. It is performed rarely, as it is associated with various complications, including vitamin, mineral, and protein deficiency.    


2) Gastric bypass

It is done in three steps. In the first step, a part of the stomach is stapled, which creates a small pouch in the upper section. In the next step, the small intestine is divided into two parts, and the lower part of the small intestine is connected directly to the small pouch of the stomach. It decreases the absorption of calories. In the third step, the upper part of the stomach is attached to the lower part of the small intestine. Due to this, the digestive juices from the upper stomach flow to the lower part of the small intestine. It helps in the complete digestion of food.

3) Sleeve gastrectomy

In this surgery, a part of the stomach is removed. As a result, the stomach will feel full sooner, limiting the food intake.

4) Adjustable gastric band

In this surgery, a small ring with an inflatable band is put on the upper part of the stomach. This inner band is adjustable using saline on the basis of the weight loss requirements.

Each subtype has its advantages and disadvantages. The choice of surgery is based on various factors, including BMI, eating habits, other medical issues associated with obesity, and any history of surgery.

Risks associated with Bariatric surgery

  • Bleeding
  • Blood clots following the surgical procedure
  • Infections
  • Leaks in the gastrointestinal system

Long term risks include

  • Gallstone
  • Hernia
  • Ulcers
  • Vomiting
  • Malnutrition
  • Bowel obstruction

Benefits of bariatric surgery

In addition to losing weight, bariatric surgery is used to improve other medical conditions related to being overweight. These include:

  • Decreased risk of heart disease
  • High blood pressure
  • Obstructive sleep apnea
  • Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease
  • Gastroesophageal reflux disease
  • Type-2 diabetes
  • Osteoarthritis

What to expect from bariatric surgery?

The procedure involves the use of general anesthesia and is performed with laparoscopy. It is associated with fewer cuts as it is minimally invasive. Apollo Hospitals use highly integrated and advanced laparoscopic systems to make the surgery safer. Single-incision laparoscopic surgery and robotic surgery are some advanced techniques. It also helps in reducing both long- and short-term risk factors.

Well-qualified and dedicated professionals help in the holistic management of patients before and after surgery. They also provide nutritional management, frequent counselling focusing on metabolism management, and wellness programs. The department also offers services for handling outpatients with advanced body mass analysis to understand the individual needs and provide the tailored procedure for maximum benefit. 

After surgery

Bariatric surgery leads to weight loss. But even after surgery, patients need to follow a rigorous diet and perform exercise regularly. You need to follow advised physical activities and dietary habits. Eating small portions in a meal and chewing food well have to be followed. These lifestyle changes prevent excessive weight gain after surgery. It also decreases the chances of post-surgery complications like deep vein thrombosis, pulmonary embolism, and infections. As the procedure causes a decrease in food intake or decreases its absorption in the gastrointestinal tract, doctors might prescribe dietary supplements to counteract vitamin, mineral, and protein deficiencies.                                          

Results of a bariatric surgery

The amount of weight lost by the patient depends on the type of surgery and individual. An average weight loss because of gastric bypass, sleeve gastrectomy, and the adjustable gastric band is approximately 38-87 pounds in one year.

If you have any doubts, you can search for the nearest hospital or

Request an appointment at Apollo Spectra Hospitals, Call 18605002244

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