apollo spectra

Breaking Barriers: How Apollo Gastric Balloon Empowers Individuals to Achieve Healthy Weight

June 20, 2023

Breaking Barriers: How Apollo Gastric Balloon Empowers Individuals to Achieve Healthy Weight

If you are obese or overweight, you might have experienced hard times. The challenges don't end with scenarios in a restaurant or shopping complex that will make you self-conscious. Opting for a weight loss journey will improve your quality in various aspects. However, choosing the suitable weight loss method is a challenging task.

People have recently considered bariatric, gastric sleeves, and gastric bypass to lose weight. As with any surgical procedures, they, too, come with a set of shortcomings to consider. From depression to life-threatening complications, various risks are associated with weight loss surgery. Don’t lose hope! Apollo gastric balloon approach is here to help you overcome the challenges of obesity and empower you to lead a healthy, happy life. Scroll down to find out more!

Apollo Gastric Balloon: An Advanced Way for Achieving Healthy Weight

Apollo gastric balloon procedure has helped many individuals shed weight, achieving their desired weight loss goals. As a non-invasive procedure without anesthesia, it is partly helpful for individuals who are overweight and do not want to undergo surgery.

This procedure helps to lose weight with the help of a balloon which the patient swallows. After the inflation of the balloon, the device will help you control your hunger and portion sizes. This way, you can kickstart your weight loss journey by instilling your life with healthy dietary habits. 

How can Apollo Gastric Balloon Help to Overcome Risks Associated with Surgical Methods?

The Apollo gastric balloon treatment will successfully reduce your weight and the risks associated with surgical procedures on obese patients. Let’s find out how.

  • Unlike surgical procedures, you don't have to deal with the tensions or any complications related to the surgical procedures.
  • People prefer Apollo gastric balloon over surgery because it requires a shorter procedure and recovery time than conventional surgery.
  • The whole procedure of the advanced Apollo approach can be completed within a 20-minute appointment in your doctor’s office.
  • There is no need to deal with stress or infections with surgical procedures, as the balloon will degrade and leave your body after a few weeks.

Simple Procedure for Weight Loss

Apollo Gastric Balloon is a simple procedure for weight loss within three steps – Swallow - Inflate with Saline – Dissolve.

  • Once you visit the doctor’s office for the procedure, you will be instituted to swallow the Apollo gastric balloon capsule.
  • Then the doctor will quickly inflate the durable balloon by filling it with saline solution.
  • Once filled, it will take up the partial space in your stomach, slowing digestion and making you feel full for a long time.
  • As a result, you will have smaller portions and achieve significant weight loss.
  • The best part about the treatment is that the inflated balloon will be dissolved on its own after 16 weeks.

Post-Treatment Care and Diet Changes

Here are some post-treatment care tips to help you quickly recover from the Apollo gastric balloon treatment.

  • Make sure to take proper medications and follow the instructions provided by the healthcare professional on time.
  • Avoid drinking alcohol, smoking, or using any other tobacco-related products.
  • Don’t discontinue or restart any medications after the Apollo gastric balloon procedure.

If you want to lose weight with this Apollo gastric balloon treatment and to keep it off in the long term, you should learn to curb the cravings and consume healthy foods. Even though there is no strict diet plan, instill healthy eating patterns. Let’s explore some healthy tips for diet changes.

  • Follow the diet plan as planned by your nutritionist.
  • Avoid or limit the intake of sugar, fatty and spicy meals.
  • Include protein-rich foods in your meal plan.
  • Consume small meals throughout the day instead of eating large portions at one-time.
  • Limit the intake of coffee and caffeinated drinks.
  • Drink water (at least 2 liters a day), and stay hydrated.

Wrapping Up!

As the number of people struggling with obesity rises, so do the related health ailments and complications of surgical procedures. At Apollo Spectra, we understand the physical and emotional challenges of living with excess weight. It is why we are committed to offering a simple and sustainable weight loss solution in the form of an Apollo gastric balloon.

Contact us today and begin your weight loss journey to feel comfortable and confident in your skin.

Will I gain my weight back after the Apollo gastric balloon dissolves?

Unlike other surgical procedures, Apollo gastric balloon treatment ensures to instill of healthy lifestyle habits in an individual to keep off the weight loss results in the long run. You can maintain weight loss if you stick to lifestyle changes, including the diet and exercise regime.

How many kilos can I lose with Apollo gastric balloon treatment?

The result might vary depending on an individual's health status and lifestyle changes. Nonetheless, experts have reported that one can lose an average weight of 10-15 kg after 16 weeks following the Apollo gastric balloon procedure.

Is Apollo gastric balloon treatment safe? Will I gain my weight back after the Apollo gastric balloon dissolves?

Yes, Apollo gastric balloon treatment is a safe and effective procedure with rare complications. Besides the weight loss and lifestyle benefits, the balloon will dissolve naturally from your body after 16 weeks after the implantation.

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