apollo spectra

Sports Injury

May 18, 2022

Sports Injury

Everyone is at risk of incurring sports injury if they are not physically active, have not warmed up properly before undertaking any strenuous physical activity, or simply because of an accident during exercise or play.

What are some common types of sports injuries?

There are several kinds of sports injuries. Some of them are as follows:

  • Sprain: When ligaments get torn or overstretched, it results in a sprain.
  • Strain: Strains are sometimes mistaken for sprains. However, the two are different. Strains are caused when muscles or tendons and not ligaments are overstretched or torn.
  • Swollen muscles: Muscles can become swollen due to some injury. The area with the swollen muscles is painful and weak.
  • Fractures: Fractures happen when bones break.
  • Rotator cuff injury: The rotator cuff is formed by four pieces of muscles. It is what allows the shoulder to move in a wide range of directions. If any of these muscles are torn, it results in a rotator cuff injury, hampering the movement of the shoulder.
  • Dislocations: Sometimes, sudden jerks or shocks can cause bones to be dislocated from their sockets. This is very painful and can result in a severe restriction in the movement of the affected limb.
  • Achilles tendons rupture: There is a thin and very strong tendon located at the back of the ankle. Sometimes, it can break during sports or physical activities. This causes sudden, sharp pain.
  • Knee injury: Knee injuries can be anything from a tear in the muscles to an overextension of the joint. These can be caused by strenuous physical activity.

When should you see your doctor?

If there is swelling and restricted or painful movement in an area or if it hurts to lift things or push, you should consult a doctor. Postponing treatment of a sports injury can lead to aggravation of the problem. Seek immediate medical attention if you experience any of the following:

  • Any lumps or bumps
  • Abnormal swelling and severe pain
  • Inability to move a joint
  • Instability

What increases the risk of a sports injury?

  • Age: As one grows older, their muscles and bones lose strength. This increases the risk of incurring a sports injury.
  • Weight: Being overweight increases the risk of sports injury since the muscles and bones are not well-equipped to handle all the extra weight. Extra weight increases stress not just on muscles but also on the joints and the lungs. This can cause a person to lose balance, fall easily, become short of breath, and lose focus quickly, leading to miscalculations during physical activities.
  • Inattention: Even though a majority of sports injuries are easily treatable, not paying proper attention at the right time can lead to an exacerbation of the injury, which might have long-term effects.
  • Lack of physical activity: If there is a general lack of regular physical activity, the muscles and bones become weak. So in moments of strenuous physical activity, these weakened bones and muscles are not able to withstand high levels of stress, resulting in a sports injury.

Preventing a sports injury

The following steps can prove effective in preventing a sports injury.

  1. Proper equipment: When undertaking any strenuous physical activity, it is imperative to have the correct gear. For example, if you are going for a run, make sure to have properly fitted, comfortable shoes, or you run the risk of twisting an ankle.
  2. Post activity cool-down: Make sure to do a cool-down workout post any rigorous physical exercise. This helps the muscles relax. Otherwise, the stress of the exercise may continue after the activity is over, leading to injury.
  3. Slowly resuming activity: If you have been in a long no-physical-activity spell, do not take up high-stress activities right off the bat. Ease into a regimen that progresses steadily and not hastily.
  4. Avoid overdoing: Do not overwork your body—this does not build strength. On the contrary, it increases the risk of a sports injury.
  5. Use the correct technique: The correct posture and technique are important for preventing a sports injury.

Treating a sports injury

The following steps can help you recover if you have sustained a sports injury.

  • Rest the injured area.
  • Apply a cold compress to the injured area.
  • Elevate the injured limb.

This procedure has proved to be effective in alleviating pain and reducing injury, allowing some of the immediate harm caused by the injury to subside. To get the most out of this treatment, do it within 24 to 36 hours of the sports injury.


Ensure medical attention if the pain and swelling in the injured area persist. It is best to get treated early when the injury may be easily treatable rather than delay it and undergo a long, protracted treatment.

Request an appointment at Apollo Spectra Hospitals, Call 18605002244

What should a person do after sustaining a sports injury?

Make sure to rest the area, keep the injured limb elevated, and apply an ice pack to the area.

What are the signs of a serious sports injury?

Bleeding, swelling, discoloration, misalignment of joints, severe pain, and lack of movement are all signs of a serious sports injury.

What should you do during strenuous physical activity?

Do not overdo the activity, and do not use bad posture. Make sure to warm up before the activity and cool down after.  

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