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Symptoms of Dengue

January 31, 2024

Dеngue is a prеvalent mosquito-bornе disease affecting millions of individuals each year. DEN-1, DEN-2, DEN-3, and DEN-4 dеngue virus vаriants or serotуpes mаinly cause this disease. Thе virus is transmitted to humans by the bite of аn infеcted Aеdеs mosquito. 

As per the data by the National Center fоr Vectоr Borne Disеases Contrоl (NCVBDC), the total number of dengue cases in 2023 was 94,198, with 91 deaths. 

Dengue symptoms include high fever, severe heаdache, pain bеhind the eyes and joints, fatiguе, nausea, vоmiting, skin rash, and mild bleeding. Early detection of these dengue symptoms is crucial. Dengue in children often requires extra caution due to their vulnerability. 

This blog will discuss dengue symptoms, its саuses, severe dengue warning signs, and treatment options to cure dengue. 

Cause of Dengue Fever

The infection of an Aedes mosquito causes dengue fever, usually the Aedes aegypti type that also carries Zika, chikungunya, and yellow fever viruses. These insects are prevalent in tropical climates.

When an uninfected mosquito bites someone infected with a dengue virus, the virus goes inside the mosquito. The virus then incubates inside the mosquito for 8-12 days, then transmits the virus through bites for the rest of its life.

Mosquitoes thrive in areas with poor hygiene, increasing cases in urban centres. The accumulated stagnated water favours mosquito breeding. Therefore, dengue cases become highest when it rains. 

Signs and Symptoms of Dengue

Dengue fever begins with symptoms that may seem familiar but quickly intensify. Recognising these early signs is crucial for timely treatment. The dengue symptoms in the three phases of disease progression include: 



Febrile Phase (2-7 days)

High Fever Onset (up to 104°F), Severe Headaches, Pain behind the eyes, Joint and Muscle Pain, Fatigue, Nausea and Vomiting, Skin Rash

Critical Phase (1-2 days)

Persistent vomiting, Severe abdominal pain, Rapid breathing, Bleeding gums or nose, Fatigue, restlessness, Blood in vomit/stools

Recovery Phase (2-3 days)

Gradual sense of well-being, Improved appetite, Subsiding gastrointestinal symptoms, Bradycardia (slow heart rate)

These symptoms, especially in combination, should prompt immediate medical attention.

Warning Signs of Severe Dengue

Severe dengue, also known as dengue hemorrhagic fever, presents critical warning signs that require immediate medical attention:

  • Intense and Continuous Abdominal Pain: A sign of potential complications often severe.
  • Persistent Vomiting: Indicates severe gastrointestinal involvement leading to dehydration and other complications.
  • Bleeding: Spontaneous bleeding from gums, nose, or easy bruising under the skin, signalling blood clotting issues.
  • Rapid and Shallow Breathing: A sign of pleural effusion or other respiratory distress.
  • Severe Fatigue: Marked exhaustion indicating the body’s struggle against the infection.
  • Restlessness or Irritability: Often observed in children, indicating cerebral involvement.
  • Blood in Vomit or Stools: A critical sign of internal bleeding.

These symptoms represent a shift from mild to severe dengue, necessitating urgent medical care to prevent life-threatening complications.

Diagnosis and Treatment To Cure Dengue

Dengue diagnosis involves specific tests crucial for effective treatment. Key diagnostic methods include: 

  • NS1 Antigen Test: Detects dengue virus antigens early in the infection. It is most effective within the first 5 days of symptoms to start appearing.
  • IgM and IgG Antibody Tests: These blood tests detect antibodies generated in response to the dengue virus. IgM appears early in the infection, while IgG appears later.
  • PCR Test: Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) tests detect the genetic material of the dengue virus. This is particularly useful in the early stages of the disease.
  • Complete Blood Count (CBC): A CBC can reveal a high hematocrit level or a low platelet count, indicative of dengue.

Treatment to Cure Dengue 

Currently, no licensed vаccines or specific medications treat dengue fever effectively. However, to address the symptoms and manage the course of dengue fever effectively, it is essential to adhere to the following medical guidelines:

  • Рriоritising Rеst and Hydration: Ensuring sufficient rest and maintaining fluid intake is crucial to combat dehydration, a common issue аssоciated with fеver. 
  • Using Acеtaminophen fоr Symptom Rеlief: Pаracetamol, also known as acеtaminophen, is recommended for managing fever and alleviating pain. It is important to avoid mеdications like aspirin, ibuprofеn (found in Advil, Mоtrin IB, and others), and naproxen sodium as they may increase the risk of bleeding. 
  • Specialised Care for Severe Cases: Hоspital admission is necessary for severe dengue fever. This may require supportive care such as intravenous (IV) аdministration of liquids and electrolytes and careful blооd pressure monitoring to manage the illness effectively. 
  • Managing Bleeding Complications: For patients experiencing blееding problems, blооd transfusions or platelet replacement thеrapу can be helpful to stabiliые the condition.

Why is Timely Medical Assistance Crucial?

Dengue patients demand urgent medical aid as the disease can worsen quickly with severe sequels. Dengue fever has the potential to develop into other fatal cases like Dengue Haemorrhagic Fever (DHF) and Dengue Shock Syndrome (DSS) in case it is not well managed. Here are key reasons and dengue warning signs why prompt medical care is essential:

  • Preventing Severe Complications: Complications, including severe bleeding, plasma leakage, and organ damage, may be prevented through early intervention.
  • Managing Symptoms Effectively: These symptoms are often characterised by high fevers, severe pains, and dehydration which can be managed by medical supervision.
  • Monitoring Platelet Count: Haemorrhagic fever in dengue causes thrombocytopenia (decrease in platelets) and bleeding disorders. Hence, regular monitoring of platelet count is crucial.
  • Detecting Warning Signs:Dengue warning signs like fluid deposition, liver enlargement, and high hematocrit levels can help in the early detection of severe dengue.
  • Preventing Dengue Shock Syndrome: Acute DSS is a medical emergency associated with sudden abdominal pain, vomiting, and sudden hypotension. Timely medical assistance is crucial to avoid this condition. 
  • Reducing Mortality Rates: Early treatment decreases the likelihood of developing complications or death among the most severe cases. 

How To Prevent Dengue

Preventing dengue focuses on reducing mosquito exposure and breeding. Effective strategies include:

  • Eliminate Standing Water: Mosquitoes breed in stagnant water. Monitor standing water, which can be found in flower pots, vases, and other containers, daily and empty it.
  • Use Mosquito Repellents: Ensure you use topical sprays with at least 20% concentration of DEET or picaridin or oil of lemon eucalyptus.
  • Wear Protective Clothing: Covering oneself with long sleeves and pants with covered shoes also helps to minimise the chances of being exposed to mosquito bites.
  • Use Mosquito Nets: This should be taken seriously at night or if there are so many mosquitoes.
  • Install Window and Door Screens: This will ensure mosquitoes do not enter residential areas.
  • Community Efforts: Join local mosquito control programs and engage in community clean-ups to minimise breeding areas.

Wrapping Up

Dengue is a viral disease transmitted mainly by Aedes mosquitoes. The dengue symptoms are high fever, headache, skin rashes, joint pain, and fatigue. If you develop a fever or any of the dengue symptoms, seek medical attention immediately. Mosquito control and personal protective measures can be key in prevention. The individual and the community health requires being up-to-date on dengue prevention efforts. This widespread disease can be stopped through awareness and action. 

Apollo Spectra is a leading multi-specialty hospital in India that provides world-class healthcare services for dengue fever. Their expert doctors and advanced technologies ensure personalized care and faster recovery with near-zero infection risk. Choose Apollo Spectra for your health journey because it’s worth the best.

What causes Dengue?

The main culprit behind dengue is the dengue virus, which is transmitted when infected Aedes mosquitoes, mainly Aedes aegypti, feed on humans through bites. They spread this painful disease by first biting someone with dengue and then stinging another person.

What are the most frequent Dengue symptoms?

These involve high fever, extreme headache, pain in the eye orbital region joint and muscle aches, tiredness, vomiting, nausea, and body rashes.

How is Dengue diagnosed?

One method involves blood tests, such as NS1 antigen tests or IgM and IgG antibody tests, that detect the virus antigen or antibody produced in response to the dengue infection.

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