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Top 5 Risks Associated with Secondary Infertility

July 26, 2022

Top 5 Risks Associated with Secondary Infertility

Secondary infertility is one of the major causes of couples’ inability to conceive. Secondary infertility refers to infertility that arises after giving birth to the first child. In this article, we will explain the causes of secondary infertility, its diagnosis, and the course of treatment, and briefly explain the top five risks associated with secondary infertility.

Causes of Secondary Infertility

There are several underlying causes behind secondary infertility. These are:

  • Age complications
  • Complications arising from prior pregnancy
  • Sexually transmitted diseases
  • Weight increase
  • Side effects of medications
  • Impaired sperm production
  • Alcohol and smoking

As per NCBI, around one-third of the cases of secondary infertility are attributed to women and about one-third to men as well. The remaining one-third of the cases are attributed to both the parents or some unknown cause.

Diagnosis of Secondary Infertility

If a parent cannot conceive a second child after trying for more than a year, it is a probable cause of secondary infertility. However, one must consult a physician from a prominent hospital like Apollo Spectra Hospitals for confirmation of secondary infertility. The physician may prescribe a few tests to rule out the possibility of secondary infertility.

Treatment of Secondary Infertility

The course of treatment for both primary and secondary infertility is the same. The possible course of treatment for secondary infertility includes:

  • Medication
  • In vitro fertilisation (IVF)
  • Intrauterine insemination (IUI)

Five Risk Factors Associated with Secondary Infertility

1. Reduced Quality and Quantity of Eggs

One of the major risk factors associated with secondary infertility is the poor quality and quantity of eggs in women. Women are born with a limited number of eggs. Sometimes, the supply of eggs after giving birth is reduced substantially. This may be due to hormonal changes post birth or post-pregnancy complications. Reduced quality of eggs is also a major factor in secondary infertility. This is again due to post-pregnancy hormonal changes and complications. The reduction in quality and quantity of eggs may also arise due to age-related problems or side effects from medications.

2. Problems in the Fallopian Tubes and the Uterus

The fallopian tubes carry the eggs from the ovaries to the uterus, and the uterus is the place where the fertilisation of the egg takes place. Post the first pregnancy, there may be a blockage or complication in the fallopian tube. This causes the path of the eggs to the uterus to break off and result in infertility. This may arise due to infections like chlamydia or gonorrhoea or conditions like post-pregnancy complications.

Sometimes, there may be certain problems in the uterus. The primary pregnancy may cause scarring and buildup of scar tissue in the uterus. Also, caesarean birth may cause adhesion in the uterine tissues and lead to a build-up of non-benign tumours in the uterus. This may lead to interference in the fertilisation process of the eggs and cause secondary infertility.

3. Endometriosis

Endometriosis is a condition in women wherein the cells that are supposed to grow inside the uterus grow elsewhere in the body, like ovaries or bowel surfaces. This causes a reduction in the quality and quantity of eggs produced. Even if endometriosis does not hamper egg production, it might still lead to complications in the fertilisation process. Endometriosis is a common condition which may arise after the first pregnancy. It has to be noted that not all cases of endometriosis cause infertility.

4. Reduced Testosterone Level

Testosterone is a hormone in men which causes the production of sperms. Reduction in the levels of testosterone hormone causes poor quality and quantity of sperm production and leads to infertility. There are many causes of reduced testosterone levels:

  • Age
  • Alcohol and smoking
  • STDs
  • Sedentary lifestyle
  • Stress and hypertension
  • Thyroid infection

Reduced testosterone levels can be cured by medications and improvement in lifestyle.

Testicular Varicocele

Testicular varicocele is a condition in men wherein there is an enlargement of the veins in the scrotum or the sack skin encasing the testicles. It is a common condition in men which leads to poor sperm quality, less sperm production, and low semen production. This condition contributes to 30% of cases of infertility in men and can be treated by medications.


Secondary infertility is a common condition and arises after the first pregnancy. Several risk factors are associated with secondary infertility, like reduced number and quality of eggs, problems in the fallopian tube and uterus, endometriosis, poor quality and quantity of sperm production, low testosterone level, etc. If a parent has secondary infertility, there is no need to worry as the condition can be easily treated by medications or some simple procedures like IUI or IVF.

Request an appointment at Apollo Spectra Hospitals. Call 18605002244 to book an appointment.

What are the top 5 causes of female infertility?

PCOS, tubal blockages, ovulation issues, poor egg conditions, and endometriosis are among the top causes of female infertility.

What are the 3 ways to prevent infertility?

Maintaining a normal weight is essential for preventing infertility. Not smoking and exercising daily can also help.

What is secondary infertility?

When a female can’t get pregnant or carry a baby to term after they have been pregnant before

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