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Can Arthritis be Removed by Surgery?

April 8, 2022

Can Arthritis be Removed by Surgery?


Arthritis is a condition that causes pain and swelling in one or more joints. It can affect any individual, including children. The main symptoms of the condition are joint pain and stiffness, which worsen with age. There are various types of arthritis; osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis are the most common. Though it is challenging to manage the symptoms of arthritis, with proper treatment, your quality of life can be greatly improved.

What is arthritis?

Joints are the meeting places between two bones. These joints are surrounded by a capsule, which is filled with a thick liquid that lubricates the joint. These capsules hold our bones together with the help of elastic bands called ligaments. The ends of the joints are lined by cartilage lines the ends of joints. This allows the smooth movement of the bones.

However, in arthritis, the cartilage breaks down, making the tendons and ligaments work harder. This results in inflammation, characterized by pain and difficulty moving over time.

What are the types of arthritis?

Based on the cause, there are various types of arthritis, and a few common types are listed below:

  • Osteoarthritis: roughening of the cartilage
  • Gout: inflammatory arthritis caused by increased uric acid accumulation in the joints
  • Rheumatoid arthritis: inflammatory arthritis that is autoimmune (a condition in which your own immune system attacks your body)
  • Spondyloarthritis and ankylosing spondylitis: arthritis mainly affecting the joints of the spine
  • Juvenile idiopathic arthritis: inflammatory arthritis before the age of 16 years

What are the symptoms of arthritis?

Some signs and symptoms of arthritis are as follows:

  • Pain
  • Swelling
  • Tenderness
  • Redness
  • Reduced mobility of the joint

What causes arthritis?

The cause of arthritis depends on its type. However, some risk factors that predispose an individual to arthritis are as follows:

  • Age: the risk generally increases with age
  • Family history of arthritis
  • Gender: women are more vulnerable to arthritis than men
  • Obesity
  • Previous joint injury

When should you consult a doctor?

A rheumatologist is a doctor who specializes in conditions affecting bone, muscle, and joint health. If you have any of the following symptoms, you need to make an appointment with your rheumatologist:

  • Pain or stiffness in any joint
  • Joints that are red or warm
  • Joint symptoms that cause you concern lasting for more than three days
  • Numerous episodes of joint issues within a month

How is arthritis treated?

Arthritis can be treated with a combination of lifestyle modifications (weight loss, exercise, heat and cold application, assistive devices), medications (anti-inflammatory, steroids), and surgical management (joint repair, joint replacement, joint fusion).

Can arthritis be removed by surgery?

Surgical management of arthritis is mainly targeted toward inflammatory arthritis. As inflammatory arthritis alters the bone and cartilage of the joints, surgical management involves scraping out or removing the affected part of the tissue and reshaping it to ensure better mobility. Various surgeries that can help in the removal of arthritis are discussed below:

  • Joint repair or synovectomy: This procedure can be performed only in the early stages of inflammatory arthritis when the cartilage is intact. It involves the removal of the synovium (a soft connective tissue found in joint capsules). It may be performed either arthroscopically (through fine cuts) or as open surgery.
  • Joint replacement or arthroplasty: This is performed when there is significant damage to the joints and the synovium. Here, the affected joint is replaced. This helps in relieving symptoms.
  • Joint fusion or arthrodesis: This is the last resort for arthritis when the functional ability of the individual is affected. Here, the affected joint is fused. This helps in eliminating movement and discomfort.

Apollo Spectra Hospitals are one of the best in treating orthopaedic conditions in India. Their team of orthopaedic surgeons possesses great expertise and skill in performing micro-orthopaedic surgeries. Apollo Spectra Hospitals are also the innovators in articular cartilage implantation, making them the best choice for the surgical management of your arthritis.

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Depending on the type of arthritis and the impact that it has on your daily life, it can be treated by surgery. Your rheumatologist and surgeon will help you decide the best treatment option for you.

How to diagnose arthritis?

The analysis of body fluids such as blood, joints, and urine along with imaging tests like X-ray, computed tomography scan, magnetic resonance imaging, and ultrasound can help in diagnosing arthritis.

What exercises are the best for arthritis?

Low-impact exercises like swimming, yoga, pilates, cycling, and brisk walking are all helpful in arthritis. These exercises help relieve symptoms without putting additional load on your joints.

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