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Ingrown Toenail Removal: Procedures and Aftercare Tips

June 29, 2023

Ingrown Toenail Removal: Procedures and Aftercare Tips

Ingrown toenails occur when the edges or corners of the nails grow into the surrounding skin, leading to pain, redness, swelling, and sometimes infection. They most commonly affect the big toe but can also occur in other toes. An ingrown toenail can be effectively treated at home; however, if you have diabetes or if there is a skin infection, you might need medical assistance.

Ingrown toenail removal surgery is a medical procedure where the doctors remove a part or the entire toenail using scissors and special tools under anesthesia. If you are in pain due to ingrown toenails, Apollo Foot and Ankle Clinic experts in Chennai will help!

Understanding the Cause of Ingrown Toenails

Ingrown toenail removal is required when the top corner or the side of the toenail grows into the flesh next to it. Here are some reasons why you may have an ingrown toenail:

  • Improper Nail Trimming: Cutting nails too short or rounding the edges can cause them to grow into the skin.
  • Tight Shoes: Wearing shoes that crowd the toes can exert pressure on the nails and contribute to ingrowth.
  • Trauma: Injuring the toe, such as stubbing it or dropping something on it, can lead to the development of an ingrown toenail.
  • The toenail grows into a curve - Naturally, the toenail growing into a curve can be painful.

Symptoms of Ingrown Toenails

Ingrown toenails are additional growth of toenails from the side or top-grown, so it is visible if you inspect your feet daily. Nonetheless, here are some symptoms of ingrown toenails include:

  • Pain and tenderness along the edge of the affected toenail.
  • Redness and swelling around the nail.
  • Formation of a tender, pus-filled area (abscess) if infection occurs.
  • Difficulty walking or wearing shoes due to discomfort.
  • Increased sensitivity and pain when pressure is applied to the toe.

How to remove ingrown toenails?

Ingrown toenails are not concerning medical issues and can be treated at home easily. Non-surgical procedure for ingrown toenails removal includes gently lifting the ingrown edge of the nail and placing a small piece of cotton or dental floss underneath to encourage the nail to grow above the skin's edge.

However, you might need medical intervention if:

  • Home remedies are not working.
  • Recurring ingrown toenails
  • You have diabetes
  • Skin infection

Ingrown Toenail Procedures - Surgical Procedures

All the surgical procedures take around ten minutes to remove the toenail. Here are some common surgical ingrown toenail removal procedures:

  • Nail avulsion - The surgery involves removing the entire toenail.
  • Wedge excision - The surgery involves removing a part of the toenail and affected tissue.
  • Nail-bed ablation - A part or entire toenail is removed in this surgery. After removal, the doctors apply an acidic solution (phenol) or use cautery (heated electrical device) on the affected area's tissue.
  • Zadek's procedure - The entire toenail and the affected tissue are removed.

Preparing for Ingrown Toenail Procedure

The ingrown toenail removal surgery is performed under anesthesia, so there are several rules you might have to follow before the foot surgeon operates on you:

  • Follow the instructions the foot specialists explain carefully to ensure optimal preparation for the procedure.
  • Refrain from eating or drinking for a specific time frame, as instructed by your healthcare professional, because of anesthesia.
  • Stop smoking a few days before and after the surgery because it can increase complications and affect recovery.
  • Wear comfortable, open-toed shoes or sandals available after the surgery to accommodate bandages or dressings.
  • Arrange a transport to drive you home because you might still be under anesthesia. Moreover, it is better to avoid movements and rest your toe properly for better recovery.

Post-Surgery Recovery - Aftercare Tips

After undergoing an ingrown toenail procedure, proper post-surgery recovery care is crucial for optimal healing and minimizing complications. Here are some aftercare tips the foot surgeon might suggest:

  • Follow your healthcare professional's postoperative instructions to ensure a better and quicker recovery.
  • Keep the surgical site clean and dry. Follow the recommended dressing change schedule your healthcare professional provides.
  • Take any prescribed medications as directed, including antibiotics or pain relievers. Follow the dosage and frequency instructions provided by your healthcare professional.
  • Elevate your foot as much as possible in the initial days after the surgery to reduce swelling and improve blood circulation.
  • Avoid strenuous activities and excessive weight-bearing on the affected foot during the initial healing phase.
  • Apply ice packs wrapped in a thin towel to the surgical site for short durations can also help reduce swelling and discomfort.
  • Gently clean the operated area with mild soap and warm water. Avoid soaking the foot in water until instructed otherwise.
  • Avoid tight or constricting footwear that can put pressure on the surgical site. Open-toed shoes or sandals may be preferable initially to accommodate any dressings or bandages.

Ingrown Toenail Surgery Recovery Time

The recovery time for ingrown toenail surgery can vary depending on the type and extent of the procedure and individual factors such as healing ability and overall health.

You can go home after the surgery, and your foot surgeon will advise you to keep the foot elevated to

reduce swelling. If the wound is healed, you can become active after two weeks and resume your daily-life activities. Most individuals can expect a full recovery from ingrown toenail surgery within 4 to 6 weeks.

Wrapping up,

Ingrown toenails can be a big problem for you if not addressed earlier. Identifying the signs and symptoms can help you prevent its spread. However, it is important to visit a doctor if the symptoms increase with time.

The foot specialist at Apollo Foot and Ankle Clinic in Chennai has got you covered if you are experiencing ingrown toenails. With all the latest technology and safety ensured, we provide world-class medical services! Visit our website today to learn more details!

Does it hurt after ingrown toenail removal surgery?

The anesthetic injection may hurt; however, you won't feel anything for a few hours due to the numbing effect. You'll experience pain after surgery, but over-the-counter painkillers will help.

When will the toenails grow back?

If a part of toenail is removed, it will grow back in 3-4 months. However, if the entire toe is removed, it will take at least a year.

When can I get back to regular work after surgery?

After two weeks, you may slowly return to daily-life activities. However, avoid excessive and strenuous activities until full recovery, after 4-6 weeks.

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