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Try these 6 steps for pain management for your lower back

July 27, 2022

Try these 6 steps for pain management for your lower back

It is difficult to come across an adult who has not had back pain at some point in their life. Back pain ranks among the most common complaints a healthcare provider deals with. It is also a very common problem a pregnant woman has to deal with.

Lower back pain can range from mild to severe, acute to chronic, depending upon the cause of your lower back pain. It can be caused by sprains or strains to the muscles, tendons or ligaments of the back; problems with vertebral disks such as disk herniation or degenerative disk disease; structural defects of the spine such as spinal stenosis or scoliosis; osteoarthritis; spinal fractures; pregnancy, and so on.

Lower back pain during pregnancy is caused by:

  • Weight gain
  • The center of gravity shifts forward as the tummy bulges out, and so a pregnant lady tends to lean backwards to prevent falling. This results in strain on the muscles of the spine, causing lower back pain.
  • Release of the hormone relaxin relaxes the ligaments in the pelvic joints in preparation for labor, but this also puts strain on the muscles of the lower back and causes pain.

Easy Home Remedies for Lower Back Pain

Try these 6 steps for pain management for your lower back:

  1. Maintain a proper posture: Keep your spine straight with chest high and shoulders back and relaxed. Pregnant women should stand with a bit of a wide stance for better balance and support. People with desk jobs or working on the computer for long hours should make their workplace ergonomic with a chair with good back support or placing a soft pillow in the curve of the spine. The height of the chair should be such that your foot rests comfortably and flat on the floor. The monitor level should be adjusted to keep the top of the monitor just a little below the level of the eyes.
  2. Lift objects correctly: When lifting objects from the floor, squat down and lift. Do not bend at the waist and lift heavy objects, as it may injure the back. Pregnant women should be very cautious about the quantity of weight they are allowed to lift. Individuals working in occupations that require lifting heavy objects often suffer from back pain.
  3. Applying hot and cold packs: Experience with hot and cold packs is different for different individuals. Some get relief with a hot pack, while some find cold packs beneficial. In cases of acute injury, an ice pack is recommended for the first 48 hours, following which a hot pack is useful.
  4. 4Exercise: Practicing regular stretching exercises and yoga increases flexibility and strengthens the back muscles, which reduces back pain. Pregnant women should take it easy while exercising and consult a professional yoga teacher to know which poses are safe during pregnancy and learn the correct techniques accordingly. Joining prenatal yoga classes is a very good idea to stay motivated and connect with other women, who are on the same journey and experiencing similar issues.
  5. Correct sleeping posture: Sleep on your side to prevent back pain. Keep the knees bent towards your chest. Placing a pillow between the legs further alleviates the pressure off the back and prevents back pain.
  6. Wearing the right shoes: Wearing high heels can exacerbate lower back pain. Wear flat shoes with good arch support for good balance and uniform weight distribution, which will prevent stress on the back and will help with back pain.

More Ways to Get Lower Back Pain Relief

Diet: Eating a bone-healthy diet also goes a long way in preventing back pain. Foods rich in calcium (dairy products, broccoli, orange juice, cereal, oatmeal, etc.), phosphorus (dairy products, kidney beans, black beans, baked beans, oysters, bran cereals, sardines, etc.), and vitamin D (cod liver oil, salmon, eggs, sardines, fortified milk, fortified cereals, etc.) should be included in the daily diet to make the bones strong and prevent osteoporosis.

Acupuncture: Alternative therapies such as acupuncture have also been found to help with back pain. In this technique, small, thin needles are inserted at specific points in the body, which releases pain-relieving chemicals in the body. You must inform the therapist if you are pregnant.

Medicines: Drugs such as non-steroidal anti-inflammatories (NSAIDs) or acetaminophen might be prescribed for chronic lower back pain not relieved with the measures mentioned above. Long-term usage of pain relievers should be avoided because of gastric side effects. Never take any medicines without consulting your doctor, if you are pregnant.

Surgery: Surgical intervention may also be required for severe cases of lower back pain, not relieved by conservative measures. Surgery is usually needed for the treatment of back pain caused by structural problems of the spine.


Lower back pain is one of the most common musculoskeletal issues in the world, affecting up to 80% of the population at some point in their lives. It might occur due to a sprain or strain in a muscle of your back, a sports injury flaring up on and off, may be due to arthritis or ankylosing spondylitis, pregnancy, or any other reasons. If it occurs suddenly or doesn’t go away after conservative management in 1 or 2 weeks, you need to consult your physician for proper diagnosis and treatment. In other cases, lower back pain relief can be obtained by following the above-mentioned tips or consulting with an expert orthopedic doctor.

Consult expert orthopedic doctor at Apollo Spectra Hospitals, Call 18605002244 to book an appointment

When should you see a doctor for lower back pain?

You should see a doctor if your lower back pain is associated with numbness, weakness, or weight loss. Also, you must get an investigation for your back pain if it has happened due to an injury to rule out fractures or other causes.

How can you prevent low back pain from recurring?

You can prevent lower back pain from recurring to a great extent by practicing yoga, stretching, and exercising regularly, maintaining a correct posture while sitting, standing, and sleeping, wearing the right kind of shoes, lifting objects properly, maintaining a healthy weight, eating a balanced diet, avoiding mental stress and smoking, etc.

What are the risk factors for low back pain?

Ageing, obesity, sedentary lifestyle, occupations involving sitting for prolonged periods or lifting heavy objects, pregnancy, arthritis, depression, and smoking are some risk factors for lower back pain

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