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Best Allergies Treatment in Koramangala, Bangalore

Allergies are an immune reaction to foreign substances (allergens). They are not considered a medical complication. Some people are susceptible to allergies while others are not.

Search online for a general medicine doctor near me and visit him/her if extreme allergic reactions persist.

What do we need to know about allergies?

Symptoms like rashes, itching and breathlessness indicate allergic reactions which can disappear after a while. In rare cases, allergies can turn extreme.

An anaphylactic shock is an extreme form of allergy where the immune system reacts severely. Patients may experience altered breathing, swelling of the skin, irregular heartbeat, nausea, vomiting, nasal congestion and mental instability. It triggers an abrupt change in vitals that can be deadly without immediate medical attention. Take such a patient to a general medicine hospital near you. Clinically administered epinephrine injection is the emergency aid to relieve them of these severe symptoms.

What are the types of allergic responses?

Allergy is a common term used to denote immune responses to foreign substances hostile to your body. Here are some forms of allergies seen and recorded till date:

  • Inflammatory reaction on the skin leading to burning sensations
  • Itchiness due to skin irritation 
  • Rashes leading to swollen, red and painful eruptions
  • Inflammation of eyes, lips, throats or even cheeks can occur as an allergic reaction
  • Patchy skin due to rashes and constant scratching may lead to bleeding and further infection

Allergic responses can appear immediately (in a minute) or gradually over an hour. The disappearance of allergy is often related to the concentration of allergens and the immune mechanism of the individual affected.

What are the general symptoms like?

If your body’s defense system considers a particular substance hostile, then the immunity system exhibits symptoms like sneezing, coughing, body rashes, fever, nausea and vomiting.

What can generally cause allergies?

People can have allergies due to the following:

  • Consumption of seafood, eggs or raw food products can trigger allergies
  • Seasonal changes during summer-monsoon, autumn-winter and winter-spring too can cause allergies
  • Exposure to animal hair (horse), pollen grains and even insects can trigger allergic responses
  • Penicillin, metronidazole or any specific antibiotic or anti-protozoan drugs can trigger allergies

When do you seek clinical help?

Consult a general medicine doctor near you if allergies persist.

You can request an appointment at Apollo Spectra Hospitals, Koramangala, Bangalore.

Call 1860 500 2244 to book an appointment for emergency services.

How are allergies diagnosed?

A clinical diagnosis is necessary to have clarity on preventive measures. Search online for a general medicine doctor near me who can prescribe the following:

  • Physical examination and overview of substances you are allergic to
  • IgE test or allergic blood test to understand your immunological responses
  • Skin tests confirming substances that cause allergic reactions

How are allergies generally treated?

Allergies are mostly treated through over-the-counter medications. The best cure for allergies is abstaining from anything that might trigger immune responses in your body. Here's a list of treatment procedures based on your clinical diagnosis:

  • Antihistamines, cortisones, steroids and decongestants are the most preferred medications to fight allergic reactions.
  • Immunotherapy treatments alter your immune mechanisms to protect you from allergens you are susceptible to.
  • Natural treatment includes the application of essential oils and herbs. It can reduce allergic reactions.

In emergency cases like anaphylactic shock, epinephrine injection is the best choice.


Do not take allergies lightly. Avoid substances that trigger immune responses. Remember, allergies are preventable. Consult a general medicine doctor near you in case of an extreme allergic reaction.

Are allergies life-threatening?

Yes, they can be. A severe form of allergy can trigger anaphylactic shock. Symptoms include severe breathlessness, body rashes, shock, nausea and vomiting. Seek immediate assistance from a general medicine doctor near you because it can be fatal.

Are allergies acquired or congenital?

Both. Acquired allergies happen post-exposure to allergens after birth affecting immune systems. Drug-related allergies from antibiotics/anti-protozoal drugs are examples of congenital allergies passed on to generations.

Is having allergies unhealthy?

No. People prone to allergies can have a robust immunity.


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