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Cataract Surgery in Koramangala, Bangalore

A cataract is a kind of eye disease during which a hazy region forms in the focal point of your eyes, hindering your vision. Cataracts occur when proteins in the eyes accumulate and prevent the focal point from delivering clear images to the retina. A cataract specialist near you can help you with this disorder.


Cataract usually occurs in older people as the center point of the eye begins to blur and fade with age. Cataracts tend to change their appearance over time. You do not realize you have a cataract until you start experiencing issues with a clear vision, and these symptoms include:-

  • Obscured vision.
  • Encountering impacts in vision in the form of specks or spots.
  • The patient starts to experience minor vision problems.
  • A few people have also noticed color contrasts as the shades begin to blur and become less visible.
  • They face the need to change their glasses frequently.
  • Patients can sometimes notice rounded structures around bright lights.

If you notice mild symptoms of cataracts, you should immediately schedule your appointment with healthcare professionals at the earliest.

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Since the most serious risk factor for cataracts is old age, anybody over 60 can develop a cataract. Cataracts can be caused due to the following factors, including the ones that follow:

  • Cataracts can be based on the formation of oxidizing agents for no reason.
  • Cataracts may also be caused by the side effects of other vision problems, post-operative eye surgery, or other illnesses, such as diabetes, and the consumption of steroids and other medications.
  • Cataracts may also be caused by a variety of factors, including injury and radiation therapy.


Some types of Cataracts include:-

  • NUCLEAR CATARACTS - Nuclear cataract is one of the types of cataract that generally affects the center of the lens. In this type of cataract, the center of the lens becomes yellow or brown, eventually leading to difficulty in distinguishing different shades of color.
  • CORTICAL CATARACTS - Another type of cataract is the cortical cataract. This cataract is in the shape of wedges and is formed at the outer edges of the lens. This interferes with the light entering the lens.
  • CONGENITAL CATARACTS - This is another type of cataract that can be hereditary and can occur during childhood. This can be either genetic or induced by infection or trauma.

Risk factors of cataracts -

Mentioned below are some of the factors that can increase the risk of developing cataracts:

  • An increase in age is one of the major risk factors of developing a cataract.
  • Diabetic people are more prone to cataracts.
  • Ultraviolet radiation can also be a risk factor for cataracts.
  • Excessive alcohol consumption.


Once you visit the cataract specialist near you, your doctor will perform some tests to examine your eyes. These tests are -

  • Visual Acuity Test - In this test, the doctor examines how accurately you can read the series of letters of different sizes and colors.
  • Slit-lamp Examination - In this test, the doctor uses magnification to determine the formation of structures at the front of your eyes.
  • Retinal Examination - In this exam, the doctors put drops in your eyes to dilate your retina and examine blockages, if any.


As recently as a few years ago, the only and safest cure for cataracts was surgery. When cataract infection starts interfering with your daily activities, a surgical operation is strongly recommended. Surgeons have a high success rate in restoring vision. Most patients opt to have surgery because their eye condition makes it difficult for them to perform everyday tasks like reading or driving at night.
The cataract surgical operation is generally safe and has a high success rate. However, there are certain risks associated with it, such as infections, bleeding, etc.





Does cataract affect only older individuals?

Mostly, the cataract grows gradually and is more normal in individuals above 50. Yet, sometimes cataract can be found affecting youngsters as it is hereditary. In such cases, it can develop during adolescence.

Can cataracts cause blindness?

Yes, cataracts can cause visual impairment if left untreated. On the off chance that these cataracts are not treated at the right time, they can continue to influence the eye’s focal point, and initial vision loss will continue, ultimately prompting total visual deficiency.

Will I have to wear glasses after the cataract surgery?

Wearing glasses depends on the kind of surgery you have. If you go through the standard waterfall medical procedure strategy, you will need glasses. There are other advanced medical procedures that can fix your vision completely.


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