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Chronic Tonsillitis

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Best Chronic Tonsillitis Treatment & Diagnostics in Chembur, Mumbai

The two oval-shaped lymph nodes present at the back of the throat are called tonsils. Tonsils trap germs and prevent infection. They also produce antibodies against bacteria. When these lymphs catch  bacterial and viral  infections, the condition is called tonsillitis. It can affect adults belonging to any age group, but children are more prone to it. 

What do we need to know about chronic tonsillitis ?

The last stage of tonsillitis is called chronic tonsillitis. It occurs if symptoms remain persistent for more than two weeks. Chronic tonsillitis is caused by altered immunological functions and by antibiotic-resistant bacteria.

To seek treatment, you can consult an ENT specialist near you. You can also visit an ENT hospital near you.

What are the symptoms of chronic tonsillitis?

  • Chronic sore throat 
  • Halitosis (bad breath)
  • Crypts in the tonsils 
  • Formation of small pockets (crypts) in the tonsils
  • Tender and enlarged lymph nodes in the neck
  • Tonsil stones

What causes chronic tonsillitis ? 

Common flu viruses like adenoviruses, influenza viruses and parainfluenza viruses mainly cause chronic tonsillitis. Other than them, herpes simplex virus, cytomegalovirus and the measles virus have also been associated with tonsillitis. These viruses enter the body via nose and mouth. Bacterial infections such as strep throat can also cause tonsillitis. 

When do you need to see a doctor?

If symptoms like sore throat, difficulty and pain in swallowing food, fatigue and breathing problems are persistent for more than 24 hours, immediately contact your doctor. 
You can search online for ENT doctors near me. 

You can request an appointment at Apollo Spectra Hospitals, Chembur, Mumbai.

Call 1860 500 2244 to book an appointment.

What are the complications?

  • Pus development between tonsil and throat wall (peritonsillar abscess)
  • Spreading of infection in other body parts
  • Obstructive sleep apnea
  • Scarlet fever
  • Rheumatic fever
  • Improper kidney filtration and swelling 
  • Tonsillar cellulitis
  • Infection in middle ear

What are the treatments available for chronic tonsillitis?

  • Antibiotics like penicillin
  • Tonsillectomy: it's a surgical procedure to remove tonsils. 


Chronic tonsillitis is discomforting and unpleasant as it is the advanced stage of tonsillitis, but it can be treated with proper diagnosis and treatment. Mortality rate by chronic tonsillitis is very low. As tonsillitis is common among children, it is important to instil in them good hygiene habits. 

How is chronic tonsillitis diagnosed?

  • Your doctor will do a physical examination of your nose, ears and sides of your neck  for signs of infection.
  • A cotton swab is run at the back of your throat to check your saliva and cells for bacterial presence.
  • Blood test is done.
  • Your doctor will check for scarlatina, a rash linked to strep throat infection.

Is chronic tonsillitis contagious ?

Yes , tonsillitis is contagious. It spreads through air droplets if an infected person sneezes or coughs in front of you or if you touch any contaminated objects.

Who is at a higher risk of developing chronic tonsillitis ?

  • Age: Children aged between 5 and 15 years are more prone to tonsillitis caused by bacterial infection. Whereas in adults, tonsillitis caused by viral infections are more common. Older people also contract tonsillitis quite often.
  • Frequent exposure to germs and dust can cause it.


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